Integrate your business to the technological superiority of VoIP and build today the customers’ list of future telecommunications.
VoIP technology is daily gaining ground, since the internet has now conquered all the necessary infrastructure for unimpeded voice communication. In our country the major phone companies have already integrated VOIP as a whole or partly, since they acknowledge VoIP as the next day's voice channel. Relieve your clients from the excessive telecom fees and guide them to the direct, cost effective and limitless possibilities of VoIP telecommunications.

VoIP services
Yuboto provides a set of reliable VoIP services that allows you to start building your own customer base in the emerging VoIP technology such as:
- Telecommunications packages for any small to large business
- Competitive prices
- High quality voice
- Numbering plan for 52 cities throughout Greece
- Numbering plan for 65 countries abroad
Benefits for Yuboto’s Partners
- Attractive Package of Cooperation & Bonus
- Tools and Know How
- Continuous Education
- Technical Support 24/7/365
- Educational / promotional / information material in electronic form
- Certification
If telecommunications is your main business activity, join us and boost your business through the features and tools that we provide to Yuboto-Telephony partners.
Fill in the online form in order to receive the information package, including the Terms and Conditions of cooperation.